Hi there, you've made it inside congratulations! For those
who don't know who Jodie Meares is, Jodie is considered by many to be
Australia's finest and best known swimsuit model (considered to have the best
body in Australia). A little history on where you would have seen
jodie, A record five appearances in Inside Sport Magazine (where most of the pictures on this site are from)
being named on
one occasion as Inside Sport 'model of the year' also featured in four
editions of 'Inside Sports hottest swimsuit models'. For several years as a model on 'Sale of the Century'.
And appearing as
guest celebrity behind the bar at the One World Sport bar in Darling Harbour (Sydney),
which is where I met her, and she quite happily autographed the photo's you see on this
page for me!! These days, Mrs. Jamie Packer can be found around the Bondi beach
area. Jodie has also released her own swimwear line 'Tiger Lilly' which was
revealed at Sydney
fashion week this year.
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Congratulations to James and Jodie who wed on October 23rd, 1999, at the Packer estate in Sydney.